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ITTC Community

Writer's picture: ITTC TeamITTC Team

We've received such powerful messages from people around the world that make this adventure even more special! Your beautiful words expressing how special it has been to participate in the project are very encouraging and give sense to all the work.

Here below you can read some inspiring testimonies and if you would like to share your experience with the ITTC community, it would be beautiful for sure and maybe it will help others to join. Let's make this community more united!

“Para mi ha sido y es muy emocionante poder participar en una iniciativa tan bonita cantando un tema precioso que me ha conmovido desde el primer momento.

Mil gracias por darnos voz a tantos y tantos corazones ansiosos por vibrar juntos.”

Sònia from Spain

“I am really glad that I could participate and also that so many people are getting involved and joining their hearts together through this beautiful song.

It feels great to be connected to so many souls, trying to reach every corner of the world to encourage all of those who feel lonely or sad.”

Cecilia from Argentina

“Para mí ha sido muy especial participar cantando la canción. Lo bonita que es y todo lo que dice es precioso.Pelos de punta.”

Mireia from Spain

“Es realmente emocionante poder participar en un proyecto que nos hermana a todos, a nivel mundial. La música es un lenguaje universal!! Me siento privilegiada de haber tenido esta oportunidad y espero, de todo corazón, que sea un éxito.”

Esther from Spain

“I’ve really enjoyed learning this with my friends. They have loved listening to it and have found the words just perfect for these times!”

Karen from United Kingdom

“For me this experience has been so beautiful because it's a way that we have to send our energy and spirit to the doctors, nurses and all the people who are helping us. In this together, we can change things up ,we must show respect nature ,we have to take care of our planet. Otherwise It has showed his power.”

Míriam from Spain

“Agrair-vos la idea i la oportunitat de col·laborar en aquest projecte tan bonic. Una sola veu per aportar bones vibracions, energia i força en aquests temps tan difícils. Perquè tots estem junts en això. Entre tots, units, podem afrontar-ho tot.”

Marina from Spain


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