This video is the result of a teamwork that has gathered singers from all over the world – 388 voices from 21 countries and 5 continents. In the midst of a global pandemic due to COVID-19, we wanted to share a message of unity and hope by singing the song In This Together. The enthusiasm and joy of so many people who have participated reaffirms the strength of music as a universal language that unites us. We can all bring beauty with our own voice, with our words, with a gesture. We believe that this global health crisis is pushing us, now more than ever, to work together for a more just and caring society, respectful of the planet. In This Together Choir is a non-profit project, without any economic component, which has been possible thanks to the voluntary effort of many people. Thank you! Many thanks to you all!
A call to all the singers around the world!
Let’s join our voices in strong unity and spread encouragement through these hard times!
We propose to sing this beautiful song by Ellie Goulding & Steven Price: In This Together
There is no subscription to this, no fee, nothing. Let’s just do this together. No business, no other interests. Just record a song to send a message to all our loved ones and doctors, nurses and cleaning staff that are in the first line risking their lives for us in this horrible situation.
It is open to anyone who would like to join from anywhere around the world with a minimal home studio! Professional singers, amateur singers, choir leaders, choir members and anyone who likes to sing! Let’s all sing aloud that ‘we’re all in this together’ and that we all have to support each other in these hard times.
Anybody who would like to help us out in any way, PLEASE do, and contact us at inthistogetherchoir@gmail.com... video editors to help with getting some images together, translators for subtitles, help to spread the message and get more people involved... let's make this happen together!
Love from Spain
Organisation and communication: Karol Green, Alba Cánovas, Mireia Valentí, and Raül Maigí
Arrangement and sheet music: Joan-Pau Chaves
Piano: Dani Campos
Voices: Paula Domínguez (soprano), Gemma Abrié (alto), Jonathan Herrero (tenor) and Tomàs Maxé (bass)
Sound Engineer: Josué Pascual, Arnau Figueres
Video: Mireia Valentí, Françoise Greenacre
The song's chorus:
I can hear the whole world singing together
I can hear the whole world sing, "It's now or never"
'Cause it's not too late if we change our ways
And connect the dots to our problems
I can hear the whole world sing,
"We're in this together"
"We're in this together"
inthistogetherchoir@gmail.com. Deadline extended to Sunday the 12th of April. We have arranged voice parts for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass voices and have attached the sheet music and audio guide. All you have to do is record your part while listening to the guide ON HEADPHONES (instructions on sheet music) and send us the audio track of only your voice to