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After a very intense Sunday and Monday organising all the audios and emails, we are VERY HAPPY to share with you the total sum of participants and countries!

We have received 388 audios and the list of countries is AMAZING!!







United Kingdom








South Africa







We have to let you know that this will take quite some time to mix well and we are also preparing a video, so we estimate it will be ready by around the end of April. We certainly will keep you well updated on how things are going and we will give you lots of notice of the launch date and time! :)

So for now, here's a little gift to give a visual picture of where this song has been sung these days. Enjoy!

Click here to explore more.

Once again, thank you so much for all the dear work you put into learning and recording your parts, and we are extra happy about all your feedback and knowing that it brought a bit of encouragement and joy to you in these hard times.

We hope you are all doing well and that you are staying safe!

We are so thankful for all your messages! Yesterday was the last day to send your audios and we are overwhelmed about the number of people participating. Be patient, we will answer everyone as soon as possible.

We are facing hard times right now and we hope this project sends you all the energy and strength to go through it.

We will keep you updated on everything that happens! See you soon!


We keep receiving a lot of beautiful messages from all over the world and we are really excited! Your wonderful words expressing how special it has been to be part of the ITTC project are very hopeful and make us want to work harder and harder.

Here below you can read some encouraging testimonies, send us yours too! Let's make this community bigger!

“Thanks for sharing this project with people from all over the world, I’ve had so much fun singing and recording. Can’t wait to see the final result!”

Sandra from Australia

“Moltíssimes gràcies per tot! Per la idea, per la iniciativa, per regarlar-me aquesta cançó que no coneixia, per deixar-nos participar en aquest projecte, per fer-ho des del cor, per la gran feina que teniu i tindreu, per ser com sou... Milions de gràcies”

Maite from Spain

“Una cançó delicada, per reflexionar sobre el que fem i provoquem al planeta. M'ha emocionat!! Una mica de tots, tot suma! Encara hi som a temps!!!”

Carol from Spain

“Thank you so much for this lovely initiative. It has kept awake my soul, so magic. The best therapy ever.”

Laura from Spain

“És tot un honor poder formar part d'aquesta preciosa iniciativa...

Tant de bo es faci realitat, i que aquest confinament serveixin per fer-nos conscients que caldrà començar de nou, canviant les nostres maneres, i que en això estem tots junts!!!”

Marta from Spain

“Des del primer moment em va semblar una idea preciosa, sobretot en aquests temps tan difícils que ens han tocat viure. Esperem que això doni una mica de llum a aquests dies grisos i alegri a tothom qui ho escolti.”

Marta from Spain

We are sharing some of the testimonies on Instagram, follow us there!

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  • Spotify

© 2021 Karol Green

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